Come Along The Trail – A Visit In Borgsjö

“My belief is that whether we like it or not, we are all on a pilgrimage”

Welcome to the St. Olav Spring in the forest of Borgsjö! This is a recording of our series ”Come Along The Trail” – A couple of live broadcasts we streamed on Facebook from different parts of St. Olavsleden! Meet people along the trail and learn more about the legend of St. Olav, beautiful places, useful knowledge and practical tips and inspiration. 🎥

Guests in this episode:

⛪️ Jonas Deckmar (03:40)– Jonas works as a parish priest in Borgsjö and has been a priest for over 15 years. He knows his way around the beautiful church in Borgsjö.

🐿️ Aline Vullioud (17:33) – Naturum in Ånge is one of Sweden’s 32 nature centers. Naturum Ånge is the gateway to St. Olavsleden’s unique natural and cultural areas. Aline works at Naturum and today she offers us knowledge about nature along the trail.

🍃 Eva Magnusson (35:57) – Eva runs the company Skogens Sköna Gröna (which roughly translates to “The treasures of the forest”) where she works to produce food based on natural ingredients found in the area around Borgsjö.