
Hour by hour, day by day the walk continues. Hiking St. Olavsleden is more than a hiking project. It is an experience for life.
Hiking is the most common way to experience St. Olavsleden. It takes about four weeks to walk the enitre trail – from Selånger to Trondheim – depending on your pace and type of hiking. Some pilgrims walk certain parts of the trail; and come back the next year to continue. Others combine walking and traveling by train and some walks the whole trail all at once. There is no right way to do it, it is all up to you!

Planning your hike

St. Olavsleden is approximately 580 kilometers long. Thousands of markings and signposts indicate the way. About 45% of the trail is along gravel roads, 36% on asphalt and 19% on trails.

Bed or tent

There are accommodations all along the trail and you can see them all listed on the accommodation page. We advise you to book in advance since many places are small with not very many beds.

Using a tent in Sweden and Norway is easier than in many other countries. But, there are rules (The right of public access) to follow. You can not tent in the same spot for more than two nights and you can’t put it up in someone’s private yard. When tenting you also have to be extra careful about littering and take well care of the nature.

Combine with train

If you do not want to walk the entire trail, only certain sections, it is simple to combine your pilgrimage with train. The local train goes along the trail almost all the way to Trondheim with many stops along the way. Find more information at Norrtåg.se or SJ.se.

In some places bus is a better alternative. Check with the local tourist information office or read more at our Getting here and away section.

Package tours

With its 580 kilometers, planning to hike St. Olavsleden might feel a bit overwhelming. Luckily there are tour operators that can help you with the details.

Choose between preplanned packages, theme walks or a tailor-made experience. In group or by yourself, in stages or the complete route.

Read more about the different options at the Package tour page.

Join the community

The Facebook group “Hiking along St. Olavsleden” is an open group where you can exchange experiences with other pilgrims. The group is for anyone interested in St. Olavsleden and is a great place to get help with your planning. You can post in whatever language that works best for you.

There are also a few ambassadors that you are welcome to contact. The ambassadors have all hiked St. Olavsleden and can help you with your questions.

Bring your dog

You’re welcome to bring your dog with you, but special rules apply for entering Sweden and Norway with your four-legged friend.

You can read more about what is needed for entering Sweden with your dog at Jordbruksverkets webpage.

At Mattilsynets webpage you can read more about what is needed for entering Norway with your dog.

Please note that Norway have different rules than Sweden and that you will have to see a veterinarian before crossing the border. Norway also have some forbidden breeds that is not allowed to bring into the country. At the moment that applies to the following breeds:
– Pit bull terrier
– American Staffordshire terrier
– Fila Brasileiro
– Toso Inu
– Dogo Argentino
– Ceskoslovenský vlciak


If you want a higher pace the trail is also suitable for running. As a runner you will probably choose indoor accommodation and restaurants for your trip. Planning is therefore of great importance.

Pilgrim stories

Meet pilgrims from all over the world that share their St. Olavsleden experiences. Find more Stories here.


The map below shows you the hiking trail. The St. Olavsleden is divided into three different trails: Hiking, Biking and Horseback riding. Most of the time the three trails are combined but at some parts you need to be careful and choose the correct trail in order to get the best experience to your needs. In the map you can choose to also show accommodation, service points, rest stops and more.