For sleeping

You can sleep indoors the entire length of the trail, but camping is sometimes a good option both for the freedom it gives, and for your wallet. For camping you then of course need a tent, sleeping bag and sleeping mat. When housing inside bed linen is mostly included, or available to rent, but a light travel sheet is always nice to bring.
Click here for a list of available accommodation along the trail

There are shops and restaurants along the trail where you can eat or buy food. With a camping stove and a thermos filled with hot water you get some more freedom though. Also bring a bottle with fresh water with you, that you can fill up again along the way. Both water from the St. Olav springs and running water (streams and rivers) are fine to drink. Don’t forget a sitting mat for your breaks.

Footwear is always important, but it is more to consider when you intend to walk St. Olavsleden. Choose boots that you have already used for a while, and if you’re going to carry a heavy rucksack, it’s good to wear hiking boots with a higher ankle for extra support and perhaps bring a pair of sandals to change into in the evening.
You should also pack clothes for all sorts of weather. Rain clothes, warm layers – preferably wool – and a change of clothes. Since it can get pretty cold, especially in the mountain areas, a warm hat and gloves is nice to have. It can also be lovely and warm, so bring swim wear and a small towel as well.
Other items

Make sure you have a map easy at hand, and perhaps a compass to orient yourself. A first aid kit is important as well and mosquito repellent.
Since the best ideas comes when you’re out hiking it’s a good idea to bring a small notebook. And a camera to document your journey.
Sitting mat, chargers and toiletries are also some things that are nice to have.